
About the Lawson Creek Restoration Project

The West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society is proposing to enhance lower Lawson Creek at the site of Navvy Jack House, to improve fish habitat.

The project will provide park improvements that are aligned with environmental policy objectives provided in the District’s Official Community Plan.

The project will improve connectivity and natural processes in Lawson Creek, an important stream habitat for salmon, invertebrates, birds and other fish species. The project will also benefit the Burrard Inlet ecosystem, First Nations’ fisheries, and increase the resiliency of the estuary to climate change impacts, including sea-level rise.

Staff will work together with West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society as per the Council resolution from the March 8, 2021, Council Meeting.

Changes that will improve fish habitat

The upgrades at Lawson Creek will address the open box culvert structure that currently creates challenges for salmon migration.

The new creek design will redirect creek flows from the existing Lawson Creek concrete flume (the narrow human-made concrete channel) into a new spawning and rearing channel.

It is envisioned that the new spawning and rearing area will be home to a public viewing area where visitors and residents can get a close-up look at salmon and other creek habitat.

The area will also be enhanced with new native plants, in-stream gravel, and woody debris complexes. These enhancements will also provide unique spaces for public education opportunities and community engagement.

Funding the restoration

This creek restoration project will be funded by the West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society (WVSS).

The WVSS is funding conceptual and detailed design drawings and providing a detailed cost estimate for the project. Staff will continue discussions with WVSS to determine the full costs of the project including potential costs related to any necessary park improvements to tie the project into the existing park, archeological due diligence, and First Nations consultation.

Project timeline

The West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society is funding the creek portion of the project and must begin the application process for grant funding.

There is also a regional timing window for Lawson Creek specified by the Ministry of Environment. Timing windows are times of the year when work may be carried out with the lowest risk to fish and wildlife species and habitats. The best time for work to be done at Lawson Creek is July 15 to September 15.

Update: September 14, 2021 - The West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society and the District have decided to postpone the public engagement for the Lawson Creek Restoration Project until further notice in order to obtain additional technical information with respect to the feasibility of the creek restoration project. Further information will be provided once the technical information has been obtained.

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