What is a Local Area Plan (LAP)?

    An LAP is a framework to guide positive change and strengthen the identity (or “sense of place”), livability, and success of a particular area. It outlines the long-range vision for the village as a whole, provides more detailed regulations and guidelines to shape the form and character of new development, and confirms the local policy response to planning topics like housing, commerce, mobility, sustainability, and public amenities. 

    How does an LAP relate to the Official Community Plan (OCP)?

    An LAP, once adopted, would become a component of the OCP. More specifically, an LAP would create local land use policies and development permit requirements for the area, and outline the District’s expectations for new development (e.g., built-form, design, character, etc.). LAPs provide a significant opportunity to advance neighbourhood-specific responses to District-wide goals, objectives and policies, and are an important OCP implementation tool. 

    How does the LAP process relate to other District projects in the area (i.e., the Horseshoe Bay Streetscape, Spirit Trail, and Park Revitalization projects)?

    The Horseshoe Bay Streetscape Design Guidelines, Spirit Trail, and Park Revitalization projects are three ongoing District initiatives to improve the public realm and connectivity of Horseshoe Bay Village and the existing park. The LAP process provides an opportunity to integrate public realm and open space considerations from these initiatives within the LAP in a holistic and coordinated manner. Please visit the below links for specific information about these District initiatives:

    ·  HorseshoeBay Streetscape and Spirit Trail projects

    ·  Horseshoe Bay Park Revitalizationproject 

    How does the LAP process relate to the BC Ferries Terminal Engagement?

    BC Ferries initiated its Horseshoe Bay Terminal Engagement process in 2018, more information is available on their website here. The LAP Terms of Reference identifies BC Ferries as a local stakeholder and the District will work with BC Ferries (as well as other stakeholders and the local community) through the LAP process to understand BC Ferries’ proposal for the terminal and work towards a coordinated approach to integrate any terminal development successfully with the overall village.

    What happens with rezoning applications at this time?

    The OCP provides formal policy guidance for Council’s consideration of development proposals. Applications outside of current OCP approved LAP boundaries can proceed to Council’s consideration where there is, and in accordance with, the relevant District-wide supportive OCP policy. Applications within current OCP approved LAP boundaries received prior to the adoption of a new LAP can proceed to Councils’ consideration in accordance with the following policy:

    2.1.15  Prior to the adoption of a local area plan, consider proposals within the local area plan boundary by:

    a.  Applying relevant District-wide policies contained in this plan and any existing area-specific policies and guidelines; and

    b.  Requiring the proposal’s contribution to rental, non-market or supportive housing, or its ability to advance the public interest or provide other community benefits as determined by Council.

    What is happening with the other LAP processes?

    The OCP provides for the development of LAPs for Horseshoe Bay, Ambleside Town Centre, and the Taylor Way Corridor. The LAP processes for Ambleside and Taylor Way are expected to be undertaken on completion of the Horseshoe Bay LAP, subject to Council’s direction at that time.