Draft Local Area Plan

Since 2019, the District has collaborated with the community through visioning workshops, exploring options through discussion cafés, and reviewing land use and design solutions through an online survey and video meetings.

Guided by our extensive conversations with you—a Draft Local Area Plan (LAP) for Horseshoe Bay and a Background and Summary Document was created.

Draft Horseshoe Bay Local Area Plan & Design Guidelines

Draft Horseshoe Bay Local Area Plan: Background & Summary

Next steps and how to provide your feedback on the proposed Horseshoe Bay Local Area Plan and Design Guidelines to Council

May 10, 2021 update

Council gave Bylaw first reading and set the Pubic Hearing for Tuesday, June 1 at 6 p.m.

Click here to learn how to participate online or by phone

Written submissions can be provided to Council in advance of the scheduled public hearing date. To learn how to provide a written submission, visit westvancouver.ca/public-hearings.

If you wish to present to Council, please consider submitting your comments to mayorandcouncil@westvancouver.ca.

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